Rocael Hernández Rizzardini received the Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from the Graz University of Technology, Austria. Currently, he is the Director of the Von Neumann Institute and Director of the GES Department at Galileo University, Guatemala.
Rocael is an academic and scientific researcher in computer science, interoperability of systems, web technologies and virtual education. He has worked as a consultant and director of international e-Learning and Web Technologies projects, with extensive experience in projects in various countries in Latin America, the United States and Europe. Professor of the Master in Management and Production of e-Learning at Galileo University.
He is the main contact for the Galileo University project at edX, titled GalileoX. Rocael has led the production of more than 25 successful courses at edX with more than 50,000 students enrolled in the different cohorts. He is an active participant in the MOOC movement with several publications and conferences organization. With his valuable networking, Rocael is helping to re-configuring the higher education environment with innovative modular solutions using the microcredits model as edX MicroMasters or edX Professional Certificates.
Twitter: @rocaelh Mail:
Research Gate: Rocael_Hernandez
Research Interests:
Web Technologies for Education, Cloud Education Environments, MOOCs, Internet of Services, Personal Learning Environments, Development of learning methodologies through e-Learning, Open Educational Resources, Instructional Design, User Interface Design and User Interaction.
Research Experience:
ALFA III – ESVI-AL Project (2012-2014) ALFA III – ESVI-AL Project “Inclusive Virtual Higher Education – Latin America: Improving Accessibility to Virtual Higher Education in Latin America” (DCI-ALA/19.09.01/11/21526/279-146/ALFA 111(2011)-11), Subject areas: Technology-Enhanced Learning, Accessibility; E-Learning, E-Inclusion. Rocael Hernández is the technical coordinator for Latinamerica. Project Coordinator is Jośe Ramón Hilera, Universidad de Alcalá: Partners (3 Europe, 7 Latinamerica).
RED AUTI Project (2012-2015) 2012-2015 Research project in CYTED programme: REDAUTI: Thematic Network on applications and usability of interactive digital television, Subject areas: TVDI, Technology-Enhanced Learning, Accessibility, Usability: Coordinator: María José Abasolo Guerrero. Universidad Nacional de la Plata: Project ID: 512RT0461
SOLITE Project (2008-2011): 2008-2011 Research project in CYTED programme: SOLITE: Software Libre para Teleformación (Open Source for E-Learning), Subject areas: Technology-Enhanced Learning, collaborative learning Coordinator: Dr. Martin Llamas, Universidad Vigo, España Project ID: 508AC0341
E-LANE Project (2003-2007) International project for the @LIS programme E-LANE (European and Latin-American New Education). Subject areas:: e-Learning, Web Technologies, Learning Environments, Methodologies for Computer/Internet based Learning and Open Educational Resources.
Main Publications:
- Hernández R., Amado-Salvatierra H.R. (2017). Proceedings of the International Conference MOOC-MAKER 2017. CEUR Workshop Proceedings ISSN 1613-0073
- Amado-Salvatierra, H., Quan. L., Hernández, R. (2015) Methodological guide for the creation of virtual accessible curriculum development, Galileo University. 2015. ISBN: 978-9929-40-658-2
- Bengochea Martínez L, Hernández Rizzardini R, Hilera González JR. «Actas del V Congreso Internacional sobre Calidad y Accesibilidad de la Formación Virtual (CAFVIR 2014) ISBN: 978-9929-40-497-7, Universidad Galileo 2014
- José Ramón Hilera, Rocael Hernández Rizzardini, et. al., “Guía Metodológica para la implantación de desarrollos curriculares virtuales accesibles” (2013), Universidad de Alcalá, ISBN: 978-84-15834-07-6
- Mikroyannidis, Alexander, Hans-Christian Schmitz, and Rocael Hernández Rizzardini. “Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Cloud Education Environments (WCLOUD 2012)”, Antigua, Guatemala, November 15-16, 2012.” (2012). CEUR Workshop Proceedings ISSN: 1613-0073
- M.E. Auer, R. Hernández, A. Pester, “Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Interactive Computer Aided Blended Learning”, ISBN: 978-3-89958-556-8, Kassel University Press 2011
- Hernandez R. “Conference Proceedings for: OpenACS and .LRN Conference”, Guatemala, February 2008, Main Editor, ISBN 978-99922-2-434-2
Book Chapters
- Hernández, R; Amado-Salvatierra, H.R. (2018) Towards Full Engagement for Open Online Education. A practical experience from MicroMasters at edX. In. Caballé, S., Conesa J. (Eds.) Software Data Engineering For Network eLearning Environments: Analytics and Awareness Learning Services. Book Series «Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communication Technologies». Springer. ISBN: 978-3-319-68318-8
- Rizzardini, R. H., Chan, M. M., & Guetl, C. (2016). An Attrition Model for MOOCs: Evaluating the Learning Strategies of Gamification. In Formative Assessment, Learning Data Analytics and Gamification (pp. 295-311).
- Hernández, R., & Gütl, C. (2016). A Cloud-Based Learning Platform: STEM Learning Experiences with New Tools. In L. Chao (Ed.), Handbook of Research on Cloud-Based STEM Education for Improved Learning Outcomes (pp. 106-122). Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference. doi:10.4018/978-1-4666-9924-3.ch008
- Hernández, R., & Gütl, C. (2015). Towards a Flexible Cloud Education Environment: A Framework for E-learning 3.0. Handbook of Research on Applied E-Learning in Engineering and Architecture Education, 133.
- Otón, S., Amado-Salvatierra, H., Hilera JR, García A. & García E. (2015) Considerations on barriers to effective e-learning towards Accessible Virtual Campuses, «E-Learning – Instructional design, organizational Strategy and Management «, ISBN 978-953-51-4418-2
Journal Special Issue
- Hernández R., Moreira Teixeira A., Alario-Hoyos C., & Amado-Salvatierra H. (2018). “New Trends in Massive Open Online Courses”. Journal of Universal Computer Science, 24(8).
- Hernández R., García-Peñalvo Francisco J., & Delgado Kloos C. (2015). “Massive Open Online Courses: Combining Methodologies and Architectures for a Success Learning”. Journal of Universal Computer Science, 21(5), 536-637.
- Rizzardini, R. H., Schmitz, H. C., Mikroyannidis, A., Kloos, C. D., & Chao, L. (2013). “Cloud Education Environment J. UCS Special Issue”. Journal of Universal Computer Science, 19(14), 2034-2036.
JCR Journals
- Morales M., Hernández R., Alario-Hoyos C., Barchino R. & Medina A. (2018). Analysis of Behavioral Intention to Use Cloud-Based Tools in a MOOC: A Technology Acceptance Model Approach. J. UCS, 24(8).
- Hernández R. (2015). Cloud Interoperability Service Architecture for Education Environments. Special Issue on Massive Open Online Courses: Combining Methodologies and Architectures for a Success Learning. Journal of Universal Computer Science.
- Hernández, R., Morales, M., Medina, A., & Barchino, R. (2015). Modeling educational usage of cloud-based tools. Computers & Education journal.
- Morales, M., Hernández, R., Barchino, R., & Amelio, J. (2014). MOOC Using Cloud-based Tools: a Study of Motivation and Learning Strategies in Latin America. International Journal of Engineering Education.
- Rizzardini, R. H., Linares, B. H., Mikroyannidis, A., & Schmitz, H. C. (2013). “Cloud services, interoperability and analytics within a ROLE-enabled personal learning environment”. Journal of Universal Computer Science, 19(14), 2054-2074.
- Hernández, R.; Pardo, A.; Kloos, C.D, (2007). “Creating and Deploying Effective eLearning Experiences Using .LRN”, IEEE Transactions on Education, ISBN:0018.9359, Volumen 50, issue 4, 345-351, 2007
CORE/ERA Conferences
- Hector Amado-Salvatierra and Rocael Hernández. Towards a methodology to Inclusive Curriculum Design an experience presented within an Accessible Virtual Learning Environment. IEEE 44th Annual Frontiers in Education (FIE) Conference Proceedings. Madrid 22-25 Oct. 2014
- Hector Amado-Salvatierra, Rocael Hernández and José Ramón Hilera. Teaching and Promoting Web Accessibility in Virtual Learning Environments. A staff training experience in Latin-America. IEEE 44th Annual Frontiers in Education (FIE) Conference Proceedings. Madrid 22-25 Oct. 2014
- Miguel Morales, Rocael Hernández, Christian Guetl (2014). Telescope, a MOOCs initiative in Latin America: Infrastructure, Best Practices, Completion and Dropout Analysis. IEEE FIE 2014 Conference Proceedings. Madrid, Oct. 2014
- Amado-Salvatierra, H. R., Hernández, R., Batanero, C., & Otón, S. (2014) “Towards an approch for a massive web accessibility training” IADIS AC Conference.
- Hector Amado-Salvatierra, Rocael Hernández, Antonio García-Cabot, Eva García López, Concha Batanero and Salvador Otón. Towards a Methodology for Curriculum Development within an Accessible Virtual Campus. Proceedings Conference. 14th International Conference on Computers Helping People with Special Needs (ICCHP 2014). Saint-Denis, Paris 9-11 Jul. Springer. 2014
- Rocael Hernández Rizzardini, Vanessa Chang, Christian Gütl, and Hector Amado-Salvatierra. “An Open Online Course with Accessibility Features.” In World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications, vol. 2013, no. 1, pp. 635-643. 2013. ISBN 978-1-939797-03-2
- Rocael Hernández, Hector R. Amado-Salvatierra, “Facebook for CSCL, Latin-American experience for professors”, Proceedings for the 12th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies iCalt2012, 4-6 July 2012, pages 327-328 doi: 10.1109/ICALT.2012.129 ISBN: 978-1-4673-1642-2
- Pastor, R.; Hernandez, R.; Ros, S.; Read, T.; Castro, M.; Hernandez, R.; “An effective way to plan a course for EHEA subjects: Translating didactical guides for a planning model”, Frontiers in Education, doi: 10.1109/FIE.2010.5673109, S1D-1-S1D-6, IEEE Xplore, 2010
- R Pastor, R Hernández, S Ros, T Read, M Castro, R Hernández (2010). A complex tutoring system for e-learning: The new evaluation model. Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE), 2010 IEEE, S3J-1-S3J-6
Other publications
- Hernández R., & Amado-Salvatierra, H. R. (2018). Exploring New Ways to Increase Engagement in Full-Path MOOC Programs. In International Conference on Learning and Collaboration Technologies (pp. 16-25). Springer, Cham.
- Hernández R., & Amado-Salvatierra, H. R. (2018). An Experience Using Educational Data Mining and Machine Learning Towards a Full Engagement Educational Framework. In International Workshop on Learning Technology for Education in Cloud (pp. 239-248). Springer, Cham.
- Hernández R., Amado-Salvatierra H., & Morales M. (2018). Experiences from two hybrid postgraduate degrees using MOOCs. Unbundling higher education with internationalization. IEEE Learning with MOOCs Conference 2018. (in press).
- De La Roca, M., Morales, M., Hernández R., & Amado-Salvatierra H. (2018). The experience of implementing an edX’s MicroMasters program to develop and reinforce the digital competence on teachers. IEEE Learning with MOOCs Conference 2018. (in press).
- Amado-Salvatierra H., & Hernández R. (2018). Promising Experiences with Hybrid Instruction for the Inclusion of Accessibility in Virtual Learning Environments. HybridEd Workshop 2018. MIT.
- De La Roca, M., Morales, M., Teixeira, A. M., Sagastume, F., Rizzardini, R. H., & Barchino, R. (2018). MOOCs as a Disruptive Innovation to Develop Digital Competence Teaching: A Micromasters Program edX Experience. European Journal of Open, Distance and E-learning, 21(2).
- Hernández R., Amado-Salvatierra H.R. (2017). An Adaptive Learning Approach Using a Full Engagement Educational Framework. In International Conference on P2P, Parallel, Grid, Cloud and Internet Computing (pp. 622-631). Springer, Cham.
- Hernández R., Amado-Salvatierra H.R. (2017). cMOOCs in a MicroMasters: a Full Engagement Educational Framework. Learning with MOOCS 2017 – The University of Texas at Austin.
- Vitiello, M., Gütl, C., Amado-Salvatierra, H. R., & Hernández, R. (2017). MOOC learner behaviour: Attrition and retention analysis and prediction based on 11 courses on the TELESCOPE platform. In International Workshop on Learning Technology for Education in Cloud (pp. 99-109). Springer, Cham.
- Hernández, R., & Amado-Salvatierra, H. R. (2017). Towards full engagement for open online education. A practical experience for a MicroMaster. In European Conference on Massive Open Online Courses (pp. 68-76). Springer, Cham.
- Rizzardini, R. H., & Amado-Salvatierra, H. R. (2017). Full engagement educational framework: a practical experience for a MicroMaster. In Proceedings of the Fourth (2017) ACM Conference on Learning@ Scale (pp. 145-146). ACM.
- Morales, M., Amado, H., Hernández, R. & Gütl, C. (2016). Gamification Strategies: Experiences and Lessons Learned in MOOCs. emooc2016. Graz, 2016.
- Hilera, J.R. & Amado-Salvatierra, H. R. (2015). “Towards Accessible E-Learning using ESVI-AL project results”. In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference e-Society 2015. (pp. 28-34). IADIS ISBN: 978-989-8533-32-6.
- Amado-Salvatierra H & Hilera J.R. (2015) “Towards an approach for an accessible and inclusive Virtual Education using ESVI-AL project results”. Journal Interactive Technology and Smart Education, vol:12, iss:3, ISSN: 1741-5659, Emerald
- Hernández, R. Gütl, C. & Amado-Salvatierra, H (2015) Using Cloud-Based Applications for education, a technical interoperability exploration for Online Document Editors. 10th International Knowledge Management in Organization Conference LTEC2015. Springer
- Félix Andrés Restrepo Bustamante, Héctor Amado-Salvatierra y Roberto Argueta Quan. (2015) “Observatorio sobre accesibilidad en la educación y sociedad virtual”, En el libro Formación Virtual Inclusiva de Calidad para el siglo XXI. (pp. 43-50). Universidad de Granada. ISBN: 978-84-338-5744-6.
- Hernández R., Morales M., Mota J., Moreira Teixeira A. (2014) Promoting Engagement in MOOCs through Social Collaboration: Common Lessons from the Pedagogical Models of Universidad Galileo and Universidade Aberta. EDEN Workshop Challenges for Research into Open & Distance Learning.
- Morales, M., Hernández, R., Barchino, R., & Amelio, J. (2014). MOOC Using Cloud-based Tools: a Study of Motivation and Learning Strategies in Latin America. International Journal of Engineering Education.
- Hernández, R. Gütl, C. & Chang, V. (2014). Must we be concerned with the Massive Drop-outs in MOOC? – An Attrition Analysis of Open Courses. International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning ICL. Dubai 3-6 Dic 2014
- Hernández R, Gütl C & Amado-Salvatierra H.: “Interoperability for Cloud-based Applications for Education Settings Based on JSON-LD and Hydra: Ontology and a Generic Vocabulary for Mind Map Tools”; In Proceedings of the 14th i-Know Conference, ACM 2014
- Hernández R, Gütl C & Amado-Salvatierra H.: “Using JSON-LD and Hydra for Cloud-based tool Interoperability: A working prototype based on a Vocabulary and Communication Process Handler for Mind Map Tools”; In Proceedings of the Ninth European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning EC-TEL 2014, Springer 2014
- Hernández R, Gütl C & Amado-Salvatierra H.: “Cloud Learning Activities Orchestration for MOOC Environments”; In the 3rd International Workshop on Learning Technology for Education in Cloud (LTEC), Knowledge Management in Organizations, Springer Netherlands (2014)
- Gütl, C., Hernández, R., Chang, V., & Morales, M. (2014). Attrition in MOOC: Lessons Learned from Drop-Out Students. In Learning Technology for Education in Cloud. MOOC and Big Data (pp. 37-48). Springer International Publishing.
- Gütl, C., Hernández-Rizzardini, R., Chang, V., & Morales, M.: “MOOC in Latin America: Lessons Learned from Drop-out Learners”; In the 3rd International Workshop on Learning Technology for Education in Cloud (LTEC), Knowledge Management in Organizations, Springer Netherlands (2014)
- Hector Amado-Salvatierra y Rocael Hernández. Promoting Technological and Pedagogical Accessibility in Distance Education. The experience of ESVI-AL project. VII International Guide Conference – Cultural Identity in the Midst of Global Modernization: The Role of Distance Education. ISBN: 978-889777202-6. Guatemala, April 2014.
- Hector Amado-Salvatierra, Rocael Hernández, Antonio García-Cabot, Eva García López, Concha Batanero y Salvador Otón. Accessibility in Virtual Learning Environments: An experience of staff training in Latin-America. Proceedings. 4th conference Universal Learning Design ULD 2014. Saint-Denis, Paris 9-11 Jul. 2014
- Rocael Hernández Rizzardini, Christian Gütl, Vanessa Chang, and Miguel Morales. “MOOC in Latin America: Implementation and Lessons Learned.” In The 2nd International Workshop on Learning Technology for Education in Cloud, pp. 147-158. doi:10.1007/978-94-007-7308-0_16 ISBN: 978-94-007-7307-3 Springer Netherlands, 2014.
- Hector R. Amado-Salvatierra, Félix Andrés Restrepo Bustamante y Roberto Argueta Quan “Red y observatorio ESVI-AL como expresión del trabajo colaborativo hacia la accesibilidad en la educación y sociedad virtual”, Actas VI Congreso Internacional sobre Aplicación de Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicaciones Avanzadas (ATICA2014), Universidad de Alcalá, 2014, pag. 125-132 ISBN: 978-84-16133-42-0
- Jose Ramón Hilera, Hector Amado-Salvatierra, Dayana Martinez Burke, Jose Viera y Lucia Pestana “Accesibilidad web: Estudio de un caso con evaluación automática y evaluación de usuarios”, Actas VI Congreso Internacional sobre Aplicación de Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicaciones Avanzadas (ATICA2014), Universidad de Alcalá, 2014, pag. 149-156 ISBN: 978-84-16133-42-0
- Félix Andrés Restrepo Bustamante, Hector R. Amado-Salvatierra y Roberto Argueta Quan “Formulación de una metodología para la construcción del observatorio virtual accesible en la educación y sociedad virtual; consideraciones iniciales”, Actas VI Congreso Internacional sobre Aplicación de Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicaciones Avanzadas (ATICA2014), Universidad de Alcalá, 2014, pag. 197-204 ISBN: 978-84-16133-42-0
- Roberto Argueta, Héctor Amado-Salvatierra y Felix Restrepo “Definición de servicios y diseño de fichas para la construcción del portal web del observatorio ESVI-AL sobre la Accesibilidad en la Educación y Sociedad Virtual”, Actas VI Congreso Internacional sobre Aplicación de Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicaciones Avanzadas (ATICA2014), Universidad de Alcalá, 2014, pag. 205-212 ISBN: 978-84-16133-42-0
- Rocael Hernández Rizzardini, Miguel Morales, Christian Gütl, and Vanessa Chang (2013). MOOCs Concept and Design using Cloud-based Tools: Spanish MOOCs Learning Experiences. In Proc. of LINC 2013 Conference, June 2013, Boston, USA
- Rocael Hernández Rizzardini, Hector Amado-Salvatierra, Christian Guetl “Cloud-based Learning Environments: Investigating learning activities experiences from Motivation, Usability and Emotional Perspective”. Owen Foley, Maria Teresa Restivo, James Uhomoibhi, Markus Helfert (Eds.): CSEDU 2013 – Proceedings, Aachen, Germany, 6-8 May, 2013. SciTePress 2013, ISBN 978-989-8565-53-2
- Gudrun Wesiak, Rocael Hernández Rizzardini, Hector Amado-Salvatierra, Christian Guetl and Mohammed Smadi, “Automatic Test Item Creation in Self-Regulated Learning. Evaluating quality of questions in a Latin American experience”: CSEDU 2013, Aachen, Germany, 6-8 May, 2013. SciTePress 2013, ISBN 978-989-8565-53-2
- Rocael Hernández, Héctor R. Amado-Salvatierra. “Identificación de instrumentos, métodos y técnicas de aplicación en la enseñanza virtual accesible”. Para uma Formacao Virtual Acessível e de Qualidade (CAFVIR 2013), Universidad de Lisboa, 2013, pag 97-103, ISBN: 978-989-8553-18-8
- Héctor R. Amado-Salvatierra, Rocael Hernández, Byron Linares, Isabel García, Concha Batanero, Salvador Otón. “Requisitos de accesibilidad indispensables para un campus virtual accesible.” Para uma Formacao Virtual Acessível e de Qualidade (CAFVIR 2013), Universidad de Lisboa, 2013, pag 119-130, ISBN: 978-989-8553-18-8
- Rocael Hernández Rizzardini, Hector R. Amado-Salvatierra “Measuring emotional responses to experiences with Cloud-based learning activities”. Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Cloud Education Environments (WCLOUD 2012), Antigua Guatemala, 15-16 november 2012. ISSN ISSN: 1613-0073
- Rocael Hernández, Hector R. Amado-Salvatierra, José R. Hilera, “E-Inclusion project. Implementation of accessibility standards in the process of course design in virtual learning environments”, Proceedings for the IADIS International Conference e-Learning 2012, Lisbon,Portugal, 17-20 July 2012. ISBN: 978-972-8939-71-7, pp 529-531
- Hector R. Amado-Salvatierra, Rocael Hernández, José R. Hilera, “Implementation of accessibility standards in the process of course design in virtual learning environments”, Proceedings for the 4th International Conference on Software Development for Enhancing Accessibility and Fighting Info-exclusion, DSAI 2012 19-21 July 2012, Portugal, Procedia Computer Science, Elservier, 2012 ISSN: 1877-0509, 2012
- Rocael Hernández, Hector R. Amado-Salvatierra, José R. Hilera “Inclusión de la accesibilidad en el proceso de diseño de cursos en ambiente de aprendizaje virtual a través de la implementación de estándares”, Revista Computación y Tecnología, Número 3, 2012, Universidad Autónoma del Carmen, México, ISSN: 2007-2554.
- Rocael Hernández Rizzardini y Hector R. Amado-Salvatierra, “Evaluación de la accesibilidad de portales Web en instituciones educativas en el área de Centroamérica”, Actas del III Congreso Iberoamericano sobre Calidad y Accesibilidad de la Formación Virtual, Universidad de Alcalá, 2012, ISBN: 978-84-8138-367-6
- J.R. Hilera, R. Hernández, “El proyecto europeo ESVI-AL para la creación de campus virtuales accesibles en América Latina”, Libro de Actas III Jornadas Internacionales de Campus Virtuales 2012 pág. 77-80 ISBN: 978-84-8317-902-4
- Héctor Amado, Byron Linares, Isabel García, Luis Sánchez y Luis Ríos “Análisis de Accesibilidad Web y Diseño Web Accesible para instituciones socias del proyecto ESVI-AL” Actas del IV Congreso Internacional sobre Aplicación de Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicaciones Avanzadas (ATICA 2012), Pag 54.ISBN: 978-9942-08-386-9
- Héctor Amado, Rocael Hernández, “Recomendaciones para la creación de documentos de contenido docente accesible.” Actas del IV Congreso Internacional sobre Aplicación de Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicaciones Avanzadas (ATICA 2012), Pag 109. ISBN: 978-9942-08-386-9
- Hernández R, Guetl C “Facebook for e-moderation: a Latin-American experience”, Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Knowledge Technologies, ACM 2011, ISBN: 978-1-4503-0732-1 doi: 10.1145/2024288.2024332
- Pastor, R; Read, T; Ros, S; Hernandez, R; Hernández, R, “Virtual Communities Adapted to the EHEA in an Enterprise Distance e-Learning Based Environment”, doi:10.1007/978-3-642-02774-1_53 LNCS, Volumen 5621/2009, 488-491 Springer-Verlang, 2009
For a complete list of publications, visit:
Last update: August, 2018